Young, Gifted and Black

Image result for young gifted and black
A neat compilation of the lives and achievements of 52 heroes of color across borders and over many decades. Two things I really liked about the book:

1) the breadth of talents - we read about athletes, entertainers, astronauts, activists, leaders, and writers, and we also have a millionaire, an arctic explorer, a chess player, and a nurse
2) the countries we get to travel - from the U.S and UK to Jamaica, South Africa, France, Ghana, short bios introduce us to inspiring black achievers all over the world.
The illustrations are bold and colorful. My favorite spread however is the "Hall of Fame" that showcases real photographs. A final note - this book is wonderful but also important, almost necessary, because young dreamers of color need role models too. As the author puts it, "if you can't see it, you can't be it." #0andUp #RepresenationMatters #WeNeedDiverseBooks

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